When stubborn coughs, colds or catarrh interrupt your life……. get fast and effective relief with STOPKOF!
The STOPKOF range is a full range of products for the effective treatment of cough, cold and catarrh. The STOPKOF range is suitable for adults, children and babies …………… there’s a STOPKOF for everyone!
Ask your pharmacist about the right STOPKOF for you.
If symptoms persist after 3 days consult your doctor.
STOPKOF is locally manufactured and distributed by Ernest Chemists Limited. STOPKOF is available in all Ernest Chemists Pharmacies and all Pharmacies in Ghana.
For Bulk Purchase contact Ernest Chemists Limited Wholesales or 0302 290 8674/5 or info@ernestchemists.com
Get fast and effective relief from Cough, Cold and Catarrh with STOPKOF!
Ernest Chemists Limited………Providing Quality and Affordable Medicines.