

We maintain a high standard of quality in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.  Through our manufacturing division, we are able to meet the health needs of all segments of the market with affordable medicine.

The manufacturing division of Ernest Chemists Limited started operation in the year 2001. The manufacturing plant is located at the Heavy Industrial Area in Tema – one of the industrial cities in Ghana.

Product Range And Plant Capacity

Currently our plant is capable of producing on annual basis and in a single shift the following dosage forms and their quantities as indicated below:

These products fall in the range of Analgesics, Antimalarial Drugs, Antibacterial Drugs, Vitamins and Minerals, Sedatives and Hypnotics, Anti-Protozoal Drugs, Oral Rehydration Salts, Antacids, Anti-Hypertensives and Diuretics.

Our manufacturing division produces about One Hundred and Fifty (150) different Finished Pharmaceutical Products for the Ghanaian and the West African markets.

We have initiated an investment program to build a new and fully Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) compliant facility to complement our current output generation effort. This facility upon completion shall increase output generation by about 300 percent.

Quality Policy

We shall:

Health And Safety Policy

We are committed to conducting our manufacturing processes in a manner that protects the health and safety of our employees, visitors, contractors, stakeholders and the public.

We aim to remove or reduce the risks to the health, safety and welfare of all employees, contractors and visitors, and anyone else who may be affected by our operations. We aim ensure all manufacturing activities/processes are done safely.

At Ernest Chemists Limited:

Protection Of The Environment

We are committed to undertaking activities that are environmentally friendly in our operations and put in measures to protect the environment.

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