Ernest Chemists donates to COVID-19 Trust Fund and 4 more health facilities

Apr 2020
ECL presenting the cheque on behalf of the company.

Ernest Chemists Limited has presented a cheque of GHS 100,000.00 to the National COVID-19 Trust Fund to help in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Presenting the cheque on behalf of the company, the Brands Communication Manager, Mrs. Sharon Anim, reiterated the commitment of Ernest Chemists to support the fight and safety of Ghanaians during this period.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the committee, the Chairperson of the COVID-19 Trust Fund, Justice Sophia Akuffo, appreciated the gesture and commended Ernest Chemists Limited for its instrumental role in the health sector and all its contributions to complement the government in the fight against the pandemic.ECL team with supplies

In addition to the previous donations of medical supplies to the Greater Accra Regional Hospital (Ridge) and the Tema General Hospital, ECL has continued with donations of medical supplies such as disinfectants, sanitizers, pain killers, antihypertensives, examination gloves and hematinics to four more health facilities; Kwahu Atibie Hospital, Tamale Teaching Hospital, Volta Regional Health Directorate and Margaret Marquart Catholic Hospital (Kpando).

Packed supplies to be presented

These donations altogether form part of the various contributions of the company aimed at promoting the safety of health professionals, who are at the forefront of the fight as well as treatment of infected Coronavirus patients in order to augment governments’ efforts in the fight against the pandemic. This is also in line with the goal of the company to support to improve healthcare delivery in Ghana.

Packed supplies to be presented

To ensure that customers receive the needed services during this period, Ernest Chemists Limited has also put in place free delivery services along with free vitamin C for immunity boost in Greater Accra and Kumasi during the current lockdown period. Its Pharmacists are also available via telephone to give health advice and medication counselling to all.

ECL Team presenting supplies

As one of the biggest Pharmaceutical Companies in Ghana, Ernest Chemists Limited also stepped up to the challenge when the government called on Ghanaians to build local capacity to manufacture products to help decelerate the spread of COVID-19.

Currently, the company locally manufactures sanitizers, rubbing alcohol amongst other essential products especially needed during this pandemic. With its wide distribution network, ECL is able to reach and impact the lives of many Ghanaians across the length and breadth of the Country.



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